Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Year 6 Fence Painting

On the 22 of August 2017 the year 6s did their fence art to represent them and their time at Vardon school.First we sketched our draft onto the wooden plank.Next we painted the wooden planks we couldn't use over 1 or 2 brushes which made it l million times harder.Lastly we had to sharpie. It was kind of funny when Miss Wyllie added TWO N's in my name ha ha,when I finished I cleaned up my work space and relaxed.I am proud of my work.I had so much fun.🦄🦄

Thursday, 18 May 2017

unicorn poem

Image result for unicorn poems for kidsI chose this poem because I love unicorns.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

My reflction of my first week of school

I am looking foward to being a student counciler and joining the basketball team.

Somthing I have found challenging was beliving I am a year 6.

Something intersing was meeting the new class mates.